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Love you with relish and fulfilling

online course

Yoni Love

Do you actually know like yours  Yoni looks like ?
Have you ever really got your yoni in  Looking at the mirror ?
And do you know what touch she likes?
Do you respect theirs  Limits and their needs ?

Your yoni is so much more than just a body part.
Your yoni is yours  holy temple . The gateway to the universe. Through them all life is born.
Your yoni is that  Center of your feminine power .

It is the connection to your femininity, the seat of yours  Creativity and sexual energy.
She is infinitely powerful, magical, patient and beautiful.
And she wants so much to be heard from you, to be seen and loved. ♥ ️

Yours  To get to know and love yoni  is an incredible  healing and powerful way .
It will help you to heal and love yourself, your body, your femininity and your sexuality .

If you strengthen the connection to her, you also strengthen yourself and your access to your original feminine power.
A wonderful step on your way to  unconditional self-love .

Yoni Love - Trailer

Yoni Love - Trailer


Your Yoni Love Story

  • Live your sexuality, yours  Soul filled

  • Experience sexuality  easy  and  Naturally

  • Know your  needs and wishes

  • Communicate your wishes  clear and full of lightness

  • Run a  sexual love relationship with yourself

  • Enjoy it  To touch yourself  and  love

  • Run a  wonderful  and  loving  Relationship with your body  

  • Feel more  fun  and  Pleasure in sex

  • Feel more  energy  in your  Life

  • Live full  Joy, strength and  self-consciousness 


What's waiting for you

Chapter 1: Your Radiant Sexuality

Find out how beautiful your sexuality can really be.  Receive a bright picture of your future, what will attract and guide you over the next few weeks. Your very own  North star. 

Chapter 2: Free Yourself

Get rid of all the feelings and beliefs that inhibit and block you during sex. 
Let go of fears, shame and expectations and open yourself to a natural flow of your sexual energy.

Chapter 3:
  Selflove & Bodylove

Learn to love your body and yourself.
Feel good in your naked body and learn to be loving and appreciative with it. When you learn to love your body, your body starts to shine from within.
Live to the rhythm of your feminine nature in harmony with the phases of your cycle.

Chapter 4:
  Yoni Love 

Your yoni is more than just a body part. Connect with your yoni and start a love relationship with her.
Heal their past wounds and bring them back to their divine radiance.

Chapter 5:
  Self pleasure

A fulfilled sexuality begins with yourself. Embark on a sensual journey of discovery of your own sexuality. Experience self pleasure as something completely natural, pleasurable and fulfilling.
Explore your body and learn to touch and caress yourself full of joy.

Chapter 6:  Your divine temple
Your yoni is more than just a body part - it is a divine temple.
Experience a whole new approach to your sexuality and your yoni - something that will change your sexuality forever.
Activate the divinity of your yoni with a powerful ritual.

Do you already experience your sexuality as something?  wonderful, light, pleasurable, free?

And you can do yours  Looking at your naked body full of love in the mirror?

You can feel free and full of joy  touch yourself?

You know,  What you like,  how you want to be touched, touched and caressed?
Do you know yours  "No" and your limits?
Can you  give in, let go and enjoy?
  ♥ ️
What if sexuality was the  Basis of deep, true self-love  is?

What if "to truly know you in your sexuality" means to fully accept and love you?
What if your sexuality is the greatest  Is the key to your freedom?
Go with  Yoni Love  on perhaps the most important journey of your life.

The journey to yourself.

The journey to a loving relationship with yourself, your body and your yoni.


What others say

"A beautiful, radiant, natural and very authentic woman who tickles and makes you aware of your own potential in a very inspiring way." 
Mary Di Zio 



  • Yoni Love Onlinekurs

    Liebe Dich lustvoll und erfüllend

Your yoni is your sacred temple, the center of your femininity.  

When it blooms, your whole life blooms!  

- Alexandra Wennmacher -

How nice that you're here!

My own path has led me to what I can share with other women with all my heart today.

I have rejected myself, my body, my femininity and my sexuality for many years.
I didn't know myself.
I didn't like my body.
I had no connection with my femininity.
I wanted to get sexuality out of my life.

The reason for the latter was that most of the time I perceived sex as exhausting, powerful, and stressful.
I had sex for many years without ever orgasming.
I've said YES far too often even though I actually felt NO.
And I actually didn't know what I wanted myself.

Today I love my sexuality.
I am not there yet, but I feel LUST and PASSION again.
I love my femininity.

I would like to take you on my own journey with YONI LOVE and show you a way that shows you that sexuality is something wonderful, light, magical and natural.

This journey begins with you.
It is the journey to yours
  own, wonderful and very personal sexuality, in which it is about you, to get to know your yoni, your femininity and sexuality in depth and to start a wonderful, lustful love relationship with you. 

I am so happy to take you on this journey.



Hi there,
i am alexandra

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