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Love you

 Give yourself love every day

Love you

To LOVE you means to open yourself again to the love within you.

I don't believe that we have to learn to love each other.

It's not about looking for anything outside of us.

It is much more about that you remember the love in you again.

You are love in your essence.

Love is all you are

Love is always there!

All it takes is for you to return to love in your life.

The moment you turn to love in your life, you will realize that love is everywhere.

That it IS in every word, every gesture, every moment of your life.

You don't need to do anything for it.

In reality we can never earn love - it is simply DA unconditional.

Now it is up to you to invite them and allow you to let the love in you love you.


You don't need complicated tools to love you

You also don't need years of meditation practice

or hours of exercise every day.

You just need 5-15 minutes of ME time a day.

And I promise you, at the end of the 21 days, you will feel the love in your life.

Loving you is basically the easiest thing there is.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of how easy it is.

Sometimes we just have to step aside to see the sun instead of the shadows.

In 21 days I will show you a magical, easy way through which you can integrate love directly into your life ~ in your everyday life ~ in every moment!

A way by which you will feel love immediately, without much effort.

The only thing I need from you is your 100% commitment. Your 100% presence in the 5-15 minutes you take for yourself every day!


What you get

  • Experience that loving you is very easy

  • 21 days full of love, joy and magic

  • A helping of love every day

  • Daily impulses and inspiration as audio

  • Love you - exercises for everyday life as audio

  • Love you - meditations as audio  

  • Powerful tools that you can immediately implement in everyday life

  • Your love you diary

  • Deep self-love  Hypnosis as audio  

  • All of my experiences over the past 10 years

  • Everything you need to love yourself


The magic of the course is that you have love within yourself  learn and feel and are integrating into your daily life. Because change happens in feeling and experiencing.  

Liebe Dich
Alexandra Wennmacher

Liebe Dich

Why 21 days

Studies have shown that it takes 21 days for new neural connections to form in our brain ..

Neural connections are like a highway in your brain that make you react or act in a situation almost automatically in a learned way.

It takes 21 days for us to anchor new habits, new thoughts, and new behaviors.

21 days are exactly the time it takes to leave the old "path" of rejection and negativity and instead to walk a new path of love and joy.

It is much more exhausting for our system to want to change everything overnight and to take HUGE steps instead of taking one small step every day that gives us joy.

Positive experiences and small successes form the motivation we need to achieve long-term change.

Exactly for the reason I accompany you in LOVE YOU for 21 days with daily impulses.


Love you

You don't need complicated tools to love you

You also don't need years of meditation practice

or hours of exercise every day.


You just need 5-15 minutes of ME time a day.

And I promise you, at the end of the 21 days, you will feel the love in your life.


Loving you is basically the easiest thing there is.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of how easy it is.

Sometimes we just have to step aside to see the sun instead of the shadows.

In 21 days I will show you a magical, easy way through which you can integrate love directly into your life ~ in your everyday life ~ in every moment!

The only thing I need from you is your 100% commitment. Your 100% presence in the 5-15 minutes you take for yourself every day!


What others say

"She infects EVERYONE with your love, your incredible ease and your radiance . I always feel that she understands me in such a deep way. For me, there is no better job."

Daniela Bodenstein

How nice that you're here!

The world needs you in your most beautiful, freest and most radiant version. 

My vision is to let women like you shine in their lightness and joy.

I would like to support you to open your heart and to go your heart's path with all your strength.

As a trained Medialer HypnoCoach, I will accompany you to dissolve injuries and obstructive beliefs and instead integrate new, free and useful beliefs. I will help you to recognize the causes of physical and mental symptoms and to heal them - and to integrate an easy and wholesome way of dealing with feelings in your life.

For me, hypnosis is a powerful tool that gives strength and nourishment from deep relaxation. The healing hypnosis differs from the often known hypnosis from television. It enables direct access to the unconscious, with only what the unconscious allows.

I know from my own experience that so much more is possible than what we currently find in our lives. With my own insights, my knowledge, my experiences and my tools, I would like to support women like you to walk their own path of the heart.

You're  unique. You're  valuable. You're a  Wonder. 

Now is your time - Shine & Smile.

Your Alexandra



Hi there,
i am alexandra
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